- Date
- 3 (Sun.) - 6 (Wed.) December, 2017
- Venue
- Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
Graduate University (OIST), Okinawa, Japan
What's New
History & Scope
The International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology (ISAAT) was first held in Sydney, Australia in 1997. Since 2002,
JSAT and ICAT have been jointly organizing this exciting annual event for this community and the symposia have been successfully held in
Hong Kong, UK, Turkey, Russia, US, Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Germany, Singapore and China. An emphasis of the ISAAT series is to bring
together both academic researchers and industrial practitioners from around the world for the interchange of the latest developments and
applications in abrasive technologies.
The ISAAT2017 at OIST (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology), Onnason Okinawa Japan will continue to promote the discipline
development and research collaboration, and to foster the growth of young engineers and researchers in the field.
Call for Papers
Important Dates in 2017
Full paper submission for journal "IJAT" ( if you want, See the detail ) |
March 1 |
Abstract submission for ISAAT proceeding ∗Submission of ISAAT2017 is necessary even if the person who submitted to IJAT. | May 26(Extended) |
Full paper submission for ISAAT proceeding ∗Submission of ISAAT2017 is necessary even if the person who submitted to IJAT. | July 7(Extended) |
Notification of ISAAT proceeding acceptance | August 4 |
Submission of final ISAAT proceeding | August 18 |
Payment of early registration fee (including student registration fee) |
September 8 |
Conference registration and reception | December 3 |
Technical sessions | December 4-5 |
Technical visit | December 6 |
Organized by
Sponsored by
- Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST)
- General incorporated foundation, Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Machine Tool Engineering Foundation
- MAZAK Foundation