1. If the abstract accepted, authors will be required to submit an extended abstract* with 2 to 4 pages template.
*Extended abstract: Authors of accepted abstracts must submit extended abstract
to ASPEN 2019. The extended abstracts should be written in English and 2-4 pages
with text, figures, tables, and references. ASPEN2019 will not require copyright
transfer for accepted extended abstract, and the author retains copyright
Authors of selected extended abstracts are welcome to submit their extended versions to International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing. Those papers will be considered as the first review track for peer-review and publication.
Extended abstracts should be prepared using the template "ASPEN20019template" in MS Word and submitted in PDF format within 2MB. All fonts must be embedded.
Number of pages: 2 to 4 pages
Extended abstract should be submitted by 15 July 2019, via the website below.
2. The extended abstracts will be included in proceedings of ASPEN2019 (USB). It should be noted that at least one author must register for ASPEN2019 to be included in the program of the conference.
3. The extended abstracts will NOT be published in print.
ABSTRACT submission
Instructions of Submission
1. ABSTRACT can be submitted on-line ONLY. E-mail submissions are not available.
2. Please create your account first, prior to abstract submission.
3. Before submitting your abstract on-line, Please prepare the following contents.
(1)Author Information (Presenter, Corresponding author, Co-authors).
Name, Affiliation, Nationality, E-mail, Telephone, Age of the presenter (for the
nomination of young researcher award. The first author must be the presenter.
Age of co-authors are not required.)
(2)Abstract Information
(A)Session to submit listed below*1
(C)Abstract: 100-200 words in English
(D)Keywords: 3-5 words.
(E)Presentation style: Oral / Poster. (The decision will be made by the
International Scientific Committee.)
If the abstract accepted, authors will be required to submit
an extended abstract*2 following 2 to 4 pages template.
*1 Additive Manufacturing System, Automation and Robotics, Bio/Medical Applications, Die Manufacturing Processes, Green Manufacturing, High Speed and Precision Machining, IoT/AI/Big data, Manufacturing Systems and Machine Tools, Mechatronics, MEMS/NEMS, Metrology, Micro/Nano Fabrication Processes, Molding and Forming Technology, Nano/Bio Technology, Non-traditional Manufacturing Processes, Optical Applications, Precision Machine Design, Service Engineering, Surface Properties and Characterization, Other Topics Related to Precision Engineering
*2 Extended abstracts: Authors of accepted abstracts must submit extended abstract to ASPEN 2019. The extended abstracts should be written in English with the length of 2-4 pages including text, figures, tables, and references. ASPEN will not require copyright transfer for accepted extended abstract, and the author retains copyright.
4. Authors of selected extended abstracts are welcome to submit their full versions to International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing.
If you have any further question, please contact the conference secretariat by email to: info_aspen2019@aspen-soc.org