ISAAT2025 Numazu, Shizuoka

The 27th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology , 16 - 19 Nov. 2025


Submit for ISAAT proceedings

  • Authors will be provided the options to submit their papers to ISAAT proceedings only, or to both ISAAT proceedings and the International Journal of Abrasive Technology (IJAT, EI indexed).
  • Abstract submission to ISAAT: The abstract must include paper title, authors and their affiliations, and a summary of the paper within 200 words. The presented abstracts will be open to the public for free via the ICAT Website.
  • Full ISAAT papers must be written in English of length from 4 to 6 proceedings pages. The version of the paper submitted to the IJAT has no limit on the number of pages.
  • Each paper must be formatted and submitted according to the Instructions for authors available in the conference website.
  • ISAAT Excellent Paper Awards will be selected for several oral presentations. Details will be available on the ICAT website.