The 27th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology , 16 - 19 Nov. 2025
Submit for ISAAT proceedings
Authors will be provided the options to submit their papers to ISAAT proceedings only, or to both ISAAT proceedings and the International Journal of Abrasive Technology (IJAT, EI indexed).
Abstract submission to ISAAT: The abstract must include paper title, authors and their affiliations, and a summary of the paper within 200 words. The presented abstracts will be open to the public for free via the ICAT Website.
Full ISAAT papers must be written in English of length from 4 to 6 proceedings pages. The version of the paper submitted to the IJAT has no limit on the number of pages.
Each paper must be formatted and submitted according to the Instructions for authors available in the conference website.
ISAAT Excellent Paper Awards will be selected for several oral presentations. Details will be available on the ICAT website.