Plenary Speeches
Shinji Shimizu, Dr.
Professor Emeritus, Sophia University
President, MAMTEC

Professor Shinji Shimizu worked for the design section of grinding machine in OKUMA Corporation (Machine tools builder) after graduation of master course of Sophia University in 1973. After leaving OKUMA in 1978, he entered the Postgraduate course of Sophia University and then got Doctor degree in 1981. He became an assistant in 1981, and a Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Sophia University in 1994, and then retired in 2014.
When he retired, he became a Professor emeritus of Sophia University and a President of his private office, MAMTEC (Machine tool and Manufacturing Technology Consulting).
Now he is conducting the Consulting business for Development & Research, the Education of young engineer in industry, and working for Graduate school of Chiba University as a specially appointed research fellow and Tokyo University of Science as a part time lecturer.
His major research fields are as follows: Joints in machine tools, tooling system, design of machine tool structures and performance test of machine tools.
He belongs to the following Academic societies: The Japan Society for Precision Engineering (JSPE), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), The Japan Society of Grinding Engineers (JSGE), The Japanese Operations Management, and Strategy (JOMSA) and The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME).
Present his major professional activity is as follows: Fellow of JSME, Fellow of JSPE, Advisor of the Organizing Committee of IMEC sponsored by JMTBA and Emeritus Chairman of the Expert Committee of Micro Particle Technology in JSGE.
Plenary II
CMP Technology; Past, Present and Future
Haedo Jeong, Ph.D.
Professor, Pusan National University
Director of PNU-LINC project at Pusan National University
Director of CMP Lab at Pusan National University
Vice-president of Korean Society of Precision Engineering (KSPE)

Professor Haedo Jeong received B.S. degree from Pusan National University, Korea in 1987 and the M.S. degree and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from KAIST, Korea in 1989 and from University of Tokyo, Japan in 1994, respectively. From 1989 to 1991, he worked at government research institutes of KIST and KITECH, where he was responsible for abrasive machining process such as grinding and polishing. In 1994, he joined at Japanese government project with RIKEN and Fujikoshi machinery, Japan as a post-doc. researcher to develop a CMP equipment. From 1995, he is working as a professor in the school of mechanical engineering as well as a director of CMP Lab at Pusan National University. He has also served as a director of LINC (Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation) project. His research interests include wafering processes, chemical mechanical polishing and its post cleaning. He has authored more than 600 technical publications/presentations in the area of abrasive processing, 3D printing and CMP. He is the past president of Korea CMPUGM and an executive committee member of International Conference on Planarization/CMP Technology (ICPT) which is the largest CMP conference in the world. He is also a founder and president of G&P Technology which is one of the strongest semi-production CMP tool suppliers and expands its area to packaging and display. He is also a vice-president of Korean Society of Precision Engineering (KSPE). Thanks to his contribution, he got many awards and medals from 30 different organizations including government. He may be reached at 82-51-510-2463 or by email hdjeong@pusan.ac.kr.
Plenary III
Application of AI in Monozukuri (Manufacturing)
Junichi Tsujii, Ph.D.
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Fellow
Director of Artificial Intelligence Research Center (AIRC), AIST

Professor Junichi Tsujii is a Japanese computer scientist specializing in natural language processing and text mining, particularly in the field of biology and bioinformatics. He graduated from Kyoto University Graduate School in 1973, obtaining a PhD in engineering. He became Associate Professor at Kyoto University in 1973, Professor at Manchester University in 1988, Professor at Tokyo University Graduate School in 1995, and Principal Researcher for Microsoft Research Asia (Beijing) in 2011 before taking on his current position as Director of AIRC in 2015 and Fellow of AIST in 2017. He still holds a Professorship at Manchester University.
Former President of ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics), IAMT (International Association for Machine Translation), AFNLP (Asian Federation of Natl. Language Procession), and Association for Natural Language Processing.
Present President of ICCL (the International Committee on Computational Linguistics).
1988: Japan IBM Science Prize.
2005: IBM Faculty Award
2010: The Medals of Honor with Purple Ribbon.
2014: Funai Achievement Award at the Forum on Information Technology (FIT)
2015: The Okawa Prize
2017: IAMT(International Association for Machine Translation) Award of Honor
and many others
Plenary IV
Motion Control in Precision Machine Tools
Jan Braasch, Dr.
Senior Executive Director, Marketing and Product Management

Dr. Jan Braasch received his MS degree from the University of Kassel, Germany, in 1989. In the following five years, he worked as a research associate at the University of Kassel, investigating metrology topics in the fields of ellipsometry and absolute interferometry. In 1994, he received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering with his dissertation on absolute interferometry.
In 1994, he took up his first position at HEIDENHAIN in the department of Fundamental Research for the development of optical scanning principles, where he was responsible for the development of absolute linear encoder technologies. In 1998, he was appointed Head of the Linear Encoder Development department. In the following years, he was given the chance to additionally set up a machine tool application laboratory to investigate the performance of measuring and control equipment in machine tools. In 2003, Dr. Braasch was appointed Director of the Product Management and Marketing division. The application research laboratory expanded and is still part of the division. A large climatic chamber and a reference basis for dynamic testing are in use for a variety of machine tools.
In addition to his position at HEIDENHAIN, Dr. Braasch is engaged in work with the EUSPEN and dedicates himself to the German educational system for metalworking professions.
You can contact him under +49 8669 31 2800 or by e-mail at braasch@heidenhain.de.