Submit for ISAAT proceeding
- Authors will be provided the options to submit their papers to ISAAT proceedings only, or to both ISAAT proceedings and the International Journal of Abrasive Technology (IJAT, EI indexed).
- Abstract submission to ISAAT: The abstract must include paper title, authors and their affiliations, and a summary of the paper within 200 words.
- Full ISAAT papers must be written in English of length from 4 to 6 proceedings pages.
The version of the paper submitted to the IJAT has no limit on the number of pages. - Each paper must be formatted and submitted according to the Instructions for Authors available in the conference website.
The manuscript of ISAAT2021 has been specified as 4 to 6 pages, but it is decided in consideration of the situation in the world that a presentation at ISAAT2021 is approved by submitting an abstract of 1 page.
The abstract of 1 page must include information of title, authors, affiliations and abstract.
The same format as “Author Template ISAAT2021” can be used for the abstract page.
The abstract is included in the proceedings of ISAAT2021. This procedure is limited to ISAAT2021.
Submission of ISAAT2021 is necessary even if the person who submitted to IJAT.