Plenary Talks
Professor Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa
Professor, Tohoku University, Japan
Professor Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa is the professor of Nano-Precision Mechanical Fabrication Laboratory in Graduate School of Engineering, and the Professor of Bio-Medical Interface
Fabrication Laboratory in Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering at Tohoku University.
Professor Kuriyagawa received his Bachelor of Engineering in 1979, Master of Engineering in 1981,
and Ph.D. 1987, all from Tohoku University, Japan. He then served as a lecturer (assistant professor)
from 1990 to 1992, an associate professor since 1992 and a full professor since 2003. He was the Dean of Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering of Tohoku University (2017.4-2020.3).
From 1991 to 1992, he carried out research on “Creep feed grinding of turbine blade of jet engine”at the Center for Grinding Research and Development, University of Connecticut, USA, as a visiting
professor. At 2003, stayed at Center for Precision Metrology of University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA, for a sabbatical leave.
He is a member of Science Council of Japan, and was a council member of Science Council of Japan (2014.10-2020.9). And he was the Chairman of the International Committee for Abrasive
Technology (ICAT) (2007-2008), and the President of the Japan Society of Abrasive Technology (JSAT)(2017-2019).
Prof. Kuriyagawa’s research interest includes Pico & Nano-Precision Mechanical Manufacturing, Functional Generation Machining, and Particle Jet Processing. He has published over 400 refereed
journal papers, 10 book chapters, over 50 patents. He has been granted 56 awards and prizes.
Dr. Kazutoshi Katahira
Senior research scientist, RIKEN, Japan
Dr. Kazutoshi Katahira is a Senior Research Scientist of Materials Fabrication Laboratory at RIKEN, Japan. He has a doctorate from the Graduate School of Science and Engineering at Ibaraki University in 2000. Dr. Katahira is a member of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering (JSPE), the Japan Society for Abrasive Technology (JSAT), the Japan Society for Mechanical Engineering (JSME), the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP). Dr. Katahira was a Visiting Research Fellow of University of California at Berkeley and Davis. Dr. Katahira’s research interest includes nano-precision diamond machining process, analyzing of nano scale surface generation by laser processing, surface functionalization of bio-compatible materials.
Ph.D. Zhigang Dong
Professor, Dalian University of Technology, China
Professor Zhigang Dong is the professor and doctoral supervisor of School of Mechanical Engineering in Dalian University of Technology.
Professor Zhigang Dong received his Bachelor of Engineering in 2002, Ph.D. of Engineering in 2010, all from Dalian University of Technology, China. He then served as a lecturer from 2010 to 2015, an associate professor since 2015 and a full professor since 2020.
He is a member of International Conference Abrasive Technology (ICAT), a member of Extreme Manufacturing Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, a member of Special Machining Branch of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society—Ultrasonic Machining Technology Committee, a member of the production engineering branch of China Mechanical Engineering Society—Abrasive Technology Professional Committee and Precision Engineering and Micro-Nano Technology.
His researches focus on high-efficiency machining of difficult-to-cut materials and precision/ultra-precision processing technologies. He has published over 100 journal papers, including more than 60 indexed by SCI/EI. He has authorized 4 international invention patents and more than 80 Chinese invention patents, among which more than 20 are authorized as the first inventor. He has been granted 9 awards and prizes, including the second prize of National Technology Invention of China.
Ph.D. Ta-Hsin Chou
Deputy Director, Industrial Technology Research Institute(ITRI), Taiwan
Dr. Ta-Hsin Chou obtained his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Department of Power Mechanical Engineering from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan in 1999 and 2001 respectively. Then he joined Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan to start his professional career. During working in ITRI, he received his Ph. D degree in Osaka University, Japan in 2013. He is currently the deputy general director of Mechanical and Mechatronics Systems Research Laboratories and Office of Strategy and R&D Planning in ITRI.
He is major in micro and nano manufacturing, precision machining, precision machinery, and smart manufacturing technologies. Many technologies developed by his group are successfully used in machinery, optical, electrical, and metal machining industry in Taiwan. He has more than 26 journal papers, 65 conference papers, and 32 patents in recently 10 years. He is currently served as the president of TSAT, and the board members of TSPE and ASPEN. He is the member of ICAT now. Based on his activities and contributions, he has won many international and national awards, included R&D 100, Wall Street Journal Technology Innovation Awards, and National Industrial Innovation Award of Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, etc.