Conference Program
Conference Site
Presentation Method
Please read "How to use VooV Meeting" before your presentation.
【 For Oral Presenters 】
1.Duration of Presentation
20minutes (15 min presentation and 5 min Q&A)
2.Join session as a speaker
Oral Session will be held by using VooV meeting.
Download URL;
When you join the Oral session as Speaker, please be sure to access from the
URL link which was provided by email from the secretariat.
Please enter at least 10 minutes before the oral session starts.
When your turn came, please share the presentation material and start your talk.
【 For Poster Presenters 】
1.Poster Session
The poster presentation session will be held using VooV meeting Breakout Rooms.
Download URL;
Each presenter will be assigned to a breakout session.
Poster presenters are required to attend the breakout session that corresponds
to the meeting ID which was provided by email from the secretariat.
Please stay in your room during the core time of the presentation and answer
questions of participants that visit the room. Core time is as follow:
Poster No. P001 and P012: [PM] 16:10-16:50, 2 December (Thu)
We will prepare breakout rooms with your session name (ex. P001).
Please enter the assigned room before start the session.
2.Presentation methods
We recommend followings methods.
1) You make 3-6 Pages Powerpoint slideshow and indicate title slide during
waiting audiences.
Start your presentation when audience come your breakout room.
2) You make 3-6 Pages Powerpoint slideshow and you play it automatically
during waiting audience.
3) You make A0-A2 size poster and indicate presentation title during waiting audiences.
Start your presentation when audience come your breakout room,.
4) You make a 3-6 minutes presentation movie and play during waiting audience.
Of course you can take combined above methods.
1) We recommend you display your presentation title and poster number during
waiting audience.
2) Please make your presentation material with enough font size to visibility audiences.
3) You should make opportunity to answer audience questions or comments.