Conference Topics
- OS01: Advanced machine tools
- OS02: Mechatronics and robotics-integrated manufacturing
- OS03: Digital manufacturing (CAD, CAM)
- OS04: Smart manufacturing (IoT, AI, CPPS)
- OS05: Cutting technology
- OS06: Grinding technology
- OS07: Finishing technology
- OS08: Forming technology
- OS09: Electro-physical and chemical processes
- OS10: Laser processing
- OS11: Additive manufacturing
- OS12: Surface, tribology and structuring technologies
- OS13: Nano/Micro measurement and intelligent instruments
-Poster sessions:
PS : Poster presentation *1
GPS: General poster presentation *2
*1 : In case of too many oral applications, some of them may be assigned
as poster.
*2 : Presentations will be open to the public. No peer review required.