By 31 May, 2022 | After 01 Jun., 2022 | |
General registration(On-site) | JPY 60,000 | JPY 70,000 |
Student regstration(On-site) | JPY 40,000 | JPY 50,000 |
General registration(On-line) | JPY 40,000 | JPY 50,000 |
Student registration(On-line) | JPY 20,000 | JPY 30,000 |
※On-site participants cover the costs of the attendance to all sessions,
conference proceedings, welcoming reception, banquet, and lunches.
※On-line participants cover the costs of the attendance to all sessions and
conference proceedings.
※The registration fee is not refunded for the cancellation after June 12, 2022.
Registration of ISFA2022
conference proceedings, welcoming reception, banquet, and lunches.
※On-line participants cover the costs of the attendance to all sessions and
conference proceedings.
※The registration fee is not refunded for the cancellation after June 12, 2022.
Registration of ISFA2022