Paper Submission
1. Abstract submission
Deadline:What to submit:
authors information, title, Abstract (100-200 words), OS (see 3 below), Key words
2. Full paper submission for review
Deadline:Paper types:
Submission of both long and short technical papers will be welcomed. A long paper is from 6 to 8 proceedings pages, and a short paper is from 2 to 4-pages long. Only long papers are eligible for awards.
Manuscript template:
All papers should be in English. Manuscript template files are available:
・ISFA 2022 template in Word format
・ISFA 2022 template in PDF format
ISFA2022 Full Paper Submission
| 3. Camera Ready Manuscript submission
Deadline:April 30, 2022 → May 16 (Extended)
| 3. Camera Ready Manuscript submission
Copyright transfer form ISFA2022:
Please upload "Agreement on Publication and Copyright Transfer"
form in the PDF format. Paste the signature(s) in an image file on the Word file and then convert the file in the PDF format. Or, print the Word file and sign it, and then scan it into the PDF format.
4. List of organized sessions (OS)
Additive Manufacturing Sensing and ControlThe focus of this session is on sensor design, signal processing, and feedback control for additive manufacturing processes.
Cutting and Machine Tools
The new challenges to high performance cutting are not only restricted to the traditional attributes such as dimensional accuracy, but also including much broader aspects such as functional competency, new-material processing capabilities, energy consumption.
Digital Design and Manufacturing
This technical session is focused on the fundamental research and development of computational tools related to product design and manufacturing processes.
Flexible Automation in Manufacturing Systems
There is a constant need for improved understanding of system-level interactions between various machines, operations and humans in today’s manufacturing, which is increasingly characterized by high levels of flexibility because of the need for personalized, customized products.
Industrial Robotics
In the current international industrial climate, robotics has become a key factor in the ongoing new revolution of manufacturing and industrial operations. Various emerging demands from the market have raised new technical challenges to industrial robotics.
Manufacturing Controls and Machine Automation
Control of manufacturing processes and new automation technologies are key enablers of bringing down manufacturing costs, improving reliability and precision, and increase through put.
Mechatronics and Precision Manufacturing
Mechatronics and Precision Manufacturing technologies significantly impact the quality, productivity, and environmental compatibility of manufacturing processes. Topics of interest in the organized session include, but are not limited to, design, manufacture, modeling, planning, optimization, control, and metrology of high precision machine tools and components.
Metrology for Manufacturing
Geometric and dimensional measurement play a key role in today’s manufacturing processes. The measurement of a machine’s motion accuracy is also a key to build a manufacturing system meeting the market’s high demand for the accuracy and the efficiency.
Nanomanufacturing and Nanoinformatics
Scalable nanomanufacturing is crucial to fulfill the promise of nanotechnology. Fullscale production demands systematic knowledge regarding robust product/process design, synthesis or processing techniques, metrology and inspection, and process modeling and control.
Precision Manufacturing
Precision manufacturing technologies significantly impact the quality, productivity, and environmental compatibility of manufacturing processes.
Sensing and Information Extraction
Sensors are widely used in almost any engineering system involving information flow and processing. Successfully extracting information from the sensor promises the success of a task.
Smart/Sustainable Manufacturing
The quest for sustainable manufacturing requires knowledge-based and data-driven approaches that exploit the wealth of information available to improve manufacturing processes/systems at minimum environmental, economic and societal costs.